Thursday, June 20, 2013

Happy, happy, happy...(sorry Mr Robertson, but I love that)

Well it has been a while since I’ve posted anything, so any readers I may have had may have abandoned me! Still I will post, even if it is only for me and my Darlin to read 30 years from now and laugh at how goofy I was….

A lot is going on here in our little corner of the world. We are in the final stages of preparing for the birth of our son, who is hinting at a possible early debut (we’ll know Friday when the doctors use the magic TV to look at him). My Beautiful Bride has worked so hard getting every little thing in place we have nothing left to do but birth him. And by “we”, I mean my Bride. Really, what can a guy do in the labor and delivery room but stand there awkwardly and try to stay out of the way?  As men, we are in quite the pickle when it comes to giving birth.  The closest we can even come is passing a kidney stone and even then, we’re up and back to work within a couple of days. There’s no weight gain with kidney stones and although we may carry them longer than the requisite 9 months, we don’t notice them until it’s time to “deliver” one. And boy do you notice then! Kidney stones don’t kick you in the ribs in the middle of the night like an alien life form trying to burst through your diaphragm and one never hears of a kidney stone taking up residence on your bladder making you feel as if you have to relieve yourself 12 hours a day. To that I say to the women of the world who are have given birth or are about to give birth, kudos to you. To the women who have not, and are contemplating it, I say take up needle craft. The pain is less, the wounds heal quicker, and if you end up not liking the end product you can rip it up, throw it away, and start over.  (This action is apparently frowned on in most civilized societies when done to children….)

In addition to the new addition to the Coop, The Rocking PMH Ranch is about to formalize its existence. What this entails is having the Great State of Texas give us written permission to conduct business for a small fee. And by small fee I mean not a small fee at all. Small fees to me are the $2.00 late-fees for not turning in a movie on time, not the cumulative fees collected by the various agencies here in exponential redundancy.  For example, the State charges a fee to formalize a company in whatever structure you choose, and then based on that structure the company either pays Federal Taxes (separate from the individual owner, who ALSO pays taxes), or the company passes on the taxation to the owners, who aren’t making anything in the first place. Then the State also collects a “franchise” tax (whether you are franchised or not) on top of the formation fees, and then collects sales tax on the product.  You should start turning a profit about the time you’re old enough to retire.

All joking aside, our Governor (the Honorable Rick Perry) and some members of our legislature have done some wonderful things for small farms this session. They have amended the Cottage Food Act to allow cottage food producers to make low-risk foods – such as baked goods, jams and jellies, dried herbs, dried fruits and vegetables, granolas, dry mixes, pickles, and coffee/tea mixes – and sell at places such as farmers markets and community events, as well as from home. This is a fantastic boost for my Bride and I because this means we don’t have to set up a “commercial” kitchen separate from the residence (to the tune of $20,000.00!).  She can put her salsa and jam in jars and share them with the world. Oh yeah, AND Gov. Perry signed into law a requirement to drug test before you can collect your welfare benefits. That right there is nearly enough to make me vote for him for president!

We are excited about this new step in our adventure, and are excited about working with our new partners in this venture. I think they are excited as well, at least until it’s time to kill, pluck, eviscerate, and package the chickens...then we’ll see! All in all, we are having a great life. We have fun, we work hard, we don’t ask the government for anything, and we have a wonderful family. From the multitude of offspring running around, to the best parents a couple could ask for, and the assortment of critters that demand our attention (wait, I already mentioned the kids, didn’t I?), my Darlin and I are (in the words of Phil Robertson) Happy, Happy, Happy…


Until next time,