Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Waxing political....again

Ah yes, tis the season for all Americans of voting age, who have not been convicted of a felony (and in theory, who still have a pulse) to get out and vote. That time of year where our Great Nation pulls together and we choose that one man who we want to lead us into glory for the next four years, and we all just get along. In the spirit of the Election, I decided to write a little poem to honor that season.
‘Twas the week before election and all through the land
The candidates were smiling, and shaking our hand.
The Democrats were offering to buy up our homes,
And use all that money to hand out free phones.
Barak’s in the White House with Michelle by his side,
Both touting change and claiming nothing to hide.
“The attack on our Embassy was just a protest
And had nothing to do with those poor terrorists
Our economy is great and it’s starting to grow,
Unemployment is dropping, as our numbers will show.
Al Qaeda is weak and bin Laden is dead,
So is Qaddafi (or so they have said)
With Bush not in office, there’ll be no more storms.
What, that little thing on the East Coast? Oh look, tax reforms.
Social Security is safe, our nest egg secure.
But you might want to save, just to be sure
The deficit isn’t as bad as it often looks,
We’ll hide several trillion in debt from our books.
A nuclear Iran is no reason to fight
They need that plutonium to power their lights.
Russia’s no longer an enemy indeed,
They give bio- weapons to bandits in need
So get out and vote. You choose who you wanna
You have but two choices; the Truth or Obama.



  1. Wow! A poet also! Excellent! What other talents are you hiding just so you don't have to use them? Lol I like it!!!!

  2. Love your poem! It could not have been said any better.
